1905 - 2025

Celebrating 120 years

Royal Cape Yacht Club has been a part of Cape Town maritime history and society since 1905. 

These are key milestones from the Club’s history and evolution that has made Royal Cape Yacht Club what it is today.


Table Bay Yacht Club formed 7th April at the Cumberland Hotel on St. George’s Street, having originally been housed in Robert Stephens boat shed in Loop Street.

1905 Founding Members of the Club


Opening of the Clubhouse near the electric power station at the foot of Adderley Street on 3rd April with funds donated by Southern Cross Yacht Club.

1906 Robert Stephens boat shed and the club house


The title Royal Cape Yacht Club is awarded by His Majesty King George V. The letter stating his Majesty had granted the title was sent by Viscount Gladstone, Governor General of South Africa on the 28th of May.

1914 Letter from the Governor granting the Royal Prefix


Club vacated premises because of extensions in Dock Road to the Graaf Electric Lighting Works and moved to rowing sheds in Rogge Bay on Dock Road in November of that year.

1918 Pier with Rowing Sheds to the Left


Admiralty Warrant obtained. The Club was granted the right to use the Royal Prefix in 1914, which allowed Royal Cape Yachts to fly the defaced ensign when in distress, assuring assistance from the Royal Navy. The Admiralty Warrant was only granted in 1920 following a delay due to the First World War.


Clock Tower was acquired for use by members. While the Club members stored their gear at the rowing sheds, there was no Clubhouse so the clocktower was used as a meeting place for members.

1922 Clock Tower


Royal Cape Yacht Clubhouse opened at Random Mole and a gale blew the roof off in the first year.

1931 Random Mole Clubhouse


Galley opened at the Clubhouse, a simple affair with no refrigeration.


Paid Treasurer appointed, which was the first paid management staff appointment made at Royal Cape Yacht Club.


Last meeting held in Random Mole Clubhouse after which the Club relocated to a Woodstock site called Tin Shanty.

1941 Tin Shanty


As WWII escalated, the Defense Department claimed all the swing moorings in the basin and the Port Captain advised that under the abnormal conditions of war, no guarantee of moorings could be given.


The new Royal Cape Yacht Clubhouse opened at the current Duncan Road location.

1950 The New Club house


Royal Cape Yacht Club Bar opened to much celebration.

The Club House


First female members accepted to join the Club.


Plans to begin building walk on moorings implemented at Royal Cape Yacht Club.


Major expansion plans which culminated in the move from Elliot Basin to Small Craft Basin.


Regatta Centre added and affectionately called Teddy’s tent.

Regatta Centre exterior


New deck added to extend the Clubhouse.

RCYC Clubhouse Deck


Sailing Academy opened.

RCYC Sailing Academy


Royal Cape Yacht Clubhouse renovated to current glory.

2022 Clubhouse Revamp – Restaurant Opening


Royal visit at Club by Princess Anne amidst the celebration of the Club’s 120 years existence.

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