The Royal Cape Yacht Club in association with the Iate Club do Rio de Janeiro are proud to announce the signing of a ground breaking association with the Two Oceans Aquarium Educational Foundation, to further educate and advise sailors both in South Africa and across the globe about the importance of protecting and caring for our oceans. At a press conference filmed in front of one of the observation tanks at the Aquarium, rear Commodore Sailing Andrew Collins and Maryke Musson, CEO of the TOA Education Foundation, announced the partnership and spoke candidly
about the opportunities.
“We also want to utilise the fleet of yachts to gather data and record sightings during the race to Rio. The South Atlantic that links Africa and South America is a treasure chest of phenomenal aquatic life, climatological and oceanographical systems and features, all of which make racing across the ocean so exciting. It is our objective to bring the Cape2Rio Race 2023 alive in more ways than one and to engage on multiple levels with our followers and yacht racing enthusiasts across the globe,” added Commodore Neil Gregory in a post announcement interview.