Cape to St Helena 2018 Results – 7 January 2019

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The fleet report into the Sailing Office every morning with their position as at 10:00 (SA Time)

Sea state is still a little rough.  A good few cases of seasickness have been reported.  However all in high spirits.

A few boats reported they have landed flying fish on their decks.  One crew in particular decided it didn’t smell to good so refrained from eating it.  There is concern on the one boat their rum levels were running low.   Yellowtail was on the menu on board Compromise last night.

Once again a few of the yachts reported confused seas.  Both Banjo and Compromised mentioned very strong winds last night.   Compromise surfing down some waves at 15knts.   Kevin Webb on board Banjo had his boys going thru a multitude of sail changes which has left both Sarel and Brad a little grumpy with him.   Boet on Carribbean Soul commented he feels as though he has been in the gym for the past 3 days.   Rocket are thoroughly enjoying themselves.  So much so they phoned twice today as they were an hour early with their positioning. 

The confused seas continue to be a problem for the majority of the fleet.   Rotary Scout retired this morning after suffering forestay problems.  They are headed for Luderitz for repairs.  It is not yet known if they will return to Cape Town or continue onto St Helena to meet the return delivery crew.  We will update once more news has been sent.   From the different reports the crews are settling in and the menus are becoming more extravagant as the days go on, for yellowtail thai curry, pancakes on another boat,  Asante are excited that they are starting to cook.   Dale onboard Yolo has reported he is still sailing in conservative mode.  Asante and Indaba are currently neighbours in this vast ocean.   

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